I am so frustrated right now. Life is not cooperating with my training plans and I'm only getting 1 run in each week for the past couple weeks. That is not going to cut it. I'm already having a hard time convincing myself this was the right thing to do - the negative little voice is taking over. I'm beginning to think I've bit off more than I can chew.
We joined the Y yesterday and tonight I was able to get a run in. My goal of a 5K was cut short because this computer nerd was apparently not capable of figuring out the treadmill. Oh well. I at least got a couple more miles in and that's most important.
I have also laid out my competition schedule for the rest of the year. I've identified at least 2 competitive races each month to run with the exception of August - since Mark is out of town most of this month there's really no opportunity for me to run in races until Sept. I'm excited about the slate of races I've set up - leading up to a 10K in October and a 15K just two weeks later in November. It's a tall order but I really hope these small goals help me reach my large goal in February. I will also have 2 opportunities to submit times for the half-marathon and hopefully get a closer corral. I decided tonight that my goal is to avg a 12 minute mile - that will give me 90 minutes of cushion time to get some pictures, walk a little longer if I need to and just take time to enjoy the race.
I booked our hotel yesterday. Little bit of a gut check at the cost, but it will be worth it to be at a Disney resort and utilize the hotel transportation on the morning of the race - for both myself and Mark. I had to remind myself that I picked up a third (yes third) job to cover this trip and that it really will be a second honeymoon for Mark and I - with freaking half-marathon crammed in the middle.
Tonight's run was on a treadmill. The display didn't give me a lot of the details I hope to have but I have a good feeling about my guesstimates. I also worked on perfecting my 3/1 intervals...they were more like 3/1.5 and 3/2 after a while, but I'll get better.
Tonight's Stats:
2.84 miles
35:00 minutes
12:45 avg min/mil (this is a guesstimate. I tried to run at 12 and walk at about 16)
If the half was today: approx 2:48
Goals for next run:
I hope to get back to the Y tomorrow. If I do, I'm getting my 5K in no matter what. I really want to get it in at under 38 minutes.
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