After not having a chance to lace up the running shoes since Saturday, I was actually really nervous about my run tonight. I didn't have a great day overall and ate dinner a little late. Normally, that nasty little voice would have taken over and I would have found a million excuses to just stay home and watch my Royals play. Instead, I couldn't wait to go for a run. I found myself thinking about the run several times throughout the day and just waiting to get changed and head out. I seriously cannot believe this. I actually enjoy running - I'm excited about it. I just might do this after all!
I'm not sure what happened, but either the GPS on my phone was off tonight, or it has been off every other night. It's been telling me for about a week now that I've been running my first half mile - but tonight I ran further than the normal half mile marker, and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face, until I checked the GPS and it said I ran less than half a mile. I was upset and fought really hard to not be discouraged. I had been so excited about that first half mile. So, instead of being mad, I tried to focus on the fact that I had ran the longest so far on my little journey and tried to increase my run distance. My splits were really bad tonight and I'm not sure why. But, I won't let it upset me. I'm just going to pat myself on the back for getting out the door and getting a good run in. I only have Thursday left this week to train, then on Sunday is my first 5K since I decided to run the half marathon. I plan on running a 5K each month until November, when I hope to run a 10K. I am using Sunday as a good benchmark to see how I do and how I've progressed.
I am also hoping tomorrow to go to a running store and get my feet measured and get this shoe thing figured out.
Todays's Stats:
2.72 miles
38:07 minutes
14:01 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:03
Goals for next run
I really need to get 3 miles in on Thursday so I'm ready for the 5K on Sunday. I really want to come in under 40 minutes during the race and I'm pretty sure I can do it.
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