Welp - I did it. It took me 40 minutes to actually push pay - but I did it. I This morning I registered for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon on Feb. 23. A small health issue had me worried that I wouldn't be able to sign up - and I was pretty upset about it. But yesterday morning, I learned that I had nothing to worry about and was free to keep the dream alive, with the goal of deciding on August 1 if I was going to do it. Slight problem - by last night, registration had jumped to 94%, up 40% in the 2 weeks I've been contemplating this experience. I knew I wasn't going to be able to wait until August 1 - I was going to have to make a decision soon.
I talked to Mark this morning and told him we needed to figure out today if we were going to sign up and do this thing. Around 10 a.m. I got a text message that said "We'll make it work. Enter the race." So I did. It took 30 minutes to fill out the form - mainly because I kept stopping and asking myself what I was doing and if I was sure I could do it. When it came time for me to hit pay - I left my mouse on the button for 10 minutes, trying to convince myself to pay. Once I did, I freaked out. I couldn't believe I did it and immediately started questioning myself. But, it's too late now. I've signed up - and I can't back out now.
I was excited to see on the form that you identify your favorite Disney Princess - after looking at pictures I can only guess that means I'll be sporting a bright yellow bib number during the race since my favorite Princess is Belle. That has me pretty excited.
I've spent a lot of time reading blog entries by people who ran the race last year - trying to get an idea of what to expect and how to prepare. Don't want to hype it up too much for myself - just want to know what to bring, what to wear, where to stay, etc. Reading these blogs is psyching me out a little and scaring me a lot, but I'm going to use it to fuel my runs and help me get ready.
I also signed up for a 5K on July 28 - I'm working to identify at least one competitive race a month to keep me motivated.
Tonight's run was rough. Warmer and more humid that I've ran in so far, I struggled a little bit. I also was hurting quite a bit. I don't think I'm stretching enough - in fact, I know I'm not. So that will be my next internet search - stretches for running, especially on my off days. Otherwise, I did pretty good tonight. Each time I wanted to quit, I made myself run just a little further. I set personal records in a couple categories, so that makes me feel good. The hills, while they are killing me know, are going to be such a blessing as I train - I know it's going to make me a better runner in the long run.
Tonight's Stats:
2.36 miles
31:39 minutes
13:26 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: 3:02
Goals for next run
I'll be out of town the next few days, so I'm hoping to squeeze in some runs. Since the routes will be different, I'd like to try to keep everything about the same as tonight. If I do better - bonus. If it's a little off, I won't let myself get upset.
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