Monday, November 4, 2013

Yikes - I'm slacking...

Wow, I knew I had been slacking off with my blogging, but I had no idea it had been this bad. Oh well, guess it's a good thing the blog isn't really picking up traction and I'm the only one reading it. I've tried blogging in the past, but fell into the same trap.

With 111 days to go until my half-marathon, things are slow. Mark is out of town for about 10 days so I'm going to be facing the dreadmill this week for my training. After running my first 10K two weekends ago, I took a week off to let myself rest and recover - plus, we had days of torrential, non-stop rain and Halloween, so I wasn't able to get in the miles. I don't have another 10K until the end of this month, so I'm going to focus on improving my pace and distance running while increasing my mileage by 1-2 miles before the 10K.

I'll recap my 10K later this week - and I need to evaluate my goals for the week too.  Ugh, I'm such a slacker. I need a little inspiration.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I ran with the penguins...and then brought one home.

I'm a few days behind in my posting, but life gets in the way sometimes, ya know?

On Saturday the 5th, I ran my longest race yet - the Kansas City Zoo Run for the Penguins - a 4 mile run. I've only trained at 4 miles once or twice, so I wasn't sure how I would do, but I felt pretty confident overall.  My best 5K time so far was 35 minutes, but my best 4 mile time in training was 56 minutes. I set my goal to come in under 48 minutes - that would be a 12 minute mile and that would be a big accomplishment for me.

I felt really good when I woke up - I even slept well the night before. That should have been my first clue. I always eat before I run - sometimes less than 30 minutes before my training runs due to the fact that it's getting dark earlier. I decided I wanted to give myself some good fuel for the run, so I made eggs and added a little cottage cheese to the side for some protein. Holy hell, what a horrible idea. The race started 2 hours after I ate, yet halfway through the race I quickly learned what a bad decision I had made.

Overall, 1,931 people took part in the 4 mile race. I knew it would be a big one so I really tried to mentally focus on running my race (and not taking last.) Before the race began, I ran into my son's kindergarten teacher who is a marathoner. Since I run alone and my husband stays home with the kids on race mornings, it was really nice to have someone to chat with before the race started. Her friends were delightful to talk to as well - I think it helped me settle down before the run.

Ms. Kranz (my son's kindergarten teacher) and me before the race started

By accident, I signed up for the wrong wave. Multiple times I considered joining the wave behind, which is the one I should have been in, but I decided to stay put. I felt that it would help my psyche if I stayed in the faster wave and let myself settle into a groove. It ended up being a good decision. While everyone smoked me when we crossed the finish line, and several people from the wave behind me caught up, I was able to move all the way to the right, find a groove and just run. I crushed the first 1-1.5 miles. I know I ran that entire way and I was feeling pretty good. I also knew that I had started out FAST. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to set my RunKeeper app to cycling instead of running before the race so I have no idea what my 1 and 2 mile pace times were, but I have a feeling I was pushing sub-10. I was crushing it.

Then, it happened. The eggs reared their ugly head. I got almost to the 2 mile marker and began to feel like I was going to be sick. A couple times I looked for a place to throw up. I was so miserable. I would stop to walk, but my legs were not happy. They wanted to keep running - that had me excited once I had a chance to think about it. My body felt good and didn't want to stop running. My breathing was good - and my brain wasn't telling me to slow down or stop or you can't do it. My stomach was though. I got myself calmed down and began to try to find a comfortable interval to finish the race at.

I ended up walking almost the entire 3rd mile - I felt that sick. It upsets me to think about now as I know I could have kept running and turned in a really good time. But, I didn't want to throw up in the lion exhibit. So, I took it easy. Somewhere between miles 3 and 4 we got rained on.  The temperatures were cool, it was really some nice weather to run in.

As we cruised closer to the finish line, the people that were coming out to cheer on the finishers was pretty incredible. So far, the largest cheering squad I've experienced. They were yelling at us to finish strong, encouraging us to keep pushing, and incorrectly telling us the finish line was just around the corner :-) I did yell at someone for that. Suddenly, I realized that everyone was wearing a cute little penguin medal - I had no idea this race gave out finisher medals. That was all the motivation I needed - I kicked it into gear a little faster and pushed to the finish line.

At the post-race party with my cute little penguin medal

Overall, it was a fun race. I wish I wouldn't have felt so nauseous - I would have liked to have pushed it a little harder and finished better. I also wish it wouldn't have been so cold because a lot of the animals were hiding from us, trying to keep warm. But, I'm really happy with how I finished. This is a race I will do again - I'm already excited for next years - plus, I can't wait to find out the animal the race will be supporting and my medal will be sporting. 

I crossed the finish line at 46:15 with an 11:34 pace (seriously, I had to have destroyed my miles 1&2 pace times).  I finished 1,030 out of 1,931 racers; 578 out of 1,265 female race; 123 out of 256 F 30-34. There isn't a number in that mix that I'm disappointed with. I am sure there are 30 more people I could have passed to break 1,000th place, but that's okay. I know what mistakes I made that held me back and I will definitely not make them again! 

Logan's teacher told me that when she told the kids she was doing a penguin race, he asked her if that meant we were going to bring home a penguin after the race. It was really cool to come home and tell him I did get to bring home a penguin, and then show him my medal.

I mapped out a 4+ mile trail by my house, so I'm ready to begin training for my longer runs. I have a 10K in just a couple weeks - and I'm already really excited about it. I think if I train hard the next couple weeks, I can do a 1:03 time for that race. That would be so crazy, but I think I can do it. I'll just have to settle in, find my pace and run my own race. We'll see.

Goals for this week:
Going to rest today and then head out tomorrow to get in my 4 miles. Plan to try to keep the pace I ran the race at and see if I can run at least half the miles.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm a brand ambassador!!!

I never imagined becoming a brand ambassador for any kind of running company. I figured I would have to have 8-9 minute miles or a ton of followers or something like that.

When I learned that Swirlgear was looking for ambassadors, I was curious. I filled out the application, which surprisingly was far more concerned with info about my support system and why I run then how far, how often, etc. I was surprised to receive an e-mail back inviting me to be an ambassador. There had to be a catch, right? Well, there is, sort of. You have to purchase 2 pieces of clothing - at 50% off. That's it. Wear their gear - tell people about their gear - provide a code for free shipping. Now, I'm a cheapskate. Really, I am. I hate to pay more than $10 on any article of clothing. When I saw the prices of their gear I almost choked. Now - their stuff isn't expensive. It's really not more than the Nike or Under Armour gear I see in the stores. But I don't pay those prices and head straight for the clearance racks. So, was the opportunity to be a brand ambassador worth the price - even at half off.

I took a week to think about it and decided to bite the bullet. At the very least, I have a new shirt and a new jacket to wear when I train. Depending on how much I enjoy the gear, I just may buy the yellow shirt they have as the final piece of my Belle costume for the Princess Half Marathon. I'm excited about my purchases and impatiently waiting for my package to arrive.

What has impressed me so far is the enthusiasm and communication from their corporate office. I received 3 welcome to the team e-mails and a plethora of info to help me get acquainted. There was also a private Facebook group for brand ambassadors so we can share pictures and personal accomplishments as well as a place for the corporate office to provide us with new information.

So, with that said, I encourage everyone to check out Swirlgear's gear:  Want free shipping on your order?  Use the code swirlon at checkout.

In the meantime, when I get my gear I'll get some pictures online so you can see my new duds. Happy running!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Third 5K - I beat my own mental game....

I was not feeling it this morning. I had a 5K race this morning, the last one of my training that I have scheduled, and I was not feeling it. I woke up unprepared, especially mentally. I had a feeling it was going to be a rough morning.

I really wanted to PR this morning. I also wanted to run the first mile of the race, possibly more. I spent the drive to the course getting myself pumped up mentally.  Lots of "you can do this" and "you got this" on the drive. I knew it was going to be a big race in terms of numbers - I also knew there would be a lot of walkers. I felt like if I got myself in a good mid-pack start at the starting line and kept a slow, but comfortable pace I could make this a great race. 

I managed to beat my mental game.

For the first time in a race, I ran the first mile. I slowed down to remove my sweatshirt, which ended up being the worst decision I made all day. I was in a groove and moving well - and just like that, my momentum was gone. All the muscles started hurting, my breathing became labored and I had to start alternating my running with walking. From that point on, I struggled breathing. I had a hard time catching my breath and getting myself relaxed to the point I could run well again. I pushed through and managed to finish strong, but was just a little disappointed. Overall though, I felt fantastic and was really proud of myself for the race I ran today.

I PR'd by 1 min 20 seconds - my avg pace was nuts. I really wish I would have ran my RunKeeper during the race because I'm curious what my splits were. I really think I ran a 10 minute mile today.  I took 27 out of 50 in my age group and 360 out of 657 participants. 

On a side note - this was really a great race. The Panera Bread Diabetes Dash for Life 5K - it was an inaugural event and the organizers did a great job. They had bagels, bananas and coffee for us before the race and bagels, bananas, cookies, scones, coffee and water after the race. We also got some pretty incredible finisher medals. This race is on my list for future years - I'll definitely participate again. 

Today's Stats:
3.1 miles
35:40 minutes
11:22 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 2:45:08

Goals for next run
Going to take a couple days off to recover. The left knee and ankle are sore, which is normal for me on a non-running day, but a running day only exacerbates the issue. My runs from here on out have to be at least 4 miles as my next race is a 4 mile run on Oct. 4. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yes, that was 1.5 miles I ran today....

I haven't been very good about my training the past couple weeks. I've struggled with life getting in the way and my runs have been pushed to the side. Luckily, tonight I was able to get back out and get in a run - and let me tell you, it was a good one.

I knew I needed to get in a 4 mile run no matter what I did tonight. So, I hit the Y and decided I wasn't getting off that treadmill until I hit 4 miles. I hate running on the treadmill. My pace is slower than normal, I start hurting earlier than normal - I just all around hate it. But I know that sometimes it's the only option I have for getting my training in.

Tonight, I felt good. I was a little tired and was trying to talk myself out of going while I was driving to the Y, but once I got there I started pumping myself up and had myself convinced that I was going to run the first mile. Not only did I run the first mile, I managed to run the first 1.5 miles - I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. I thought about running a little more, but decided to stop for a water and stretch break. Was probably a bad idea as my momentum was gone. I ran/walked the remainder of the time, trying to run as much as I could before stopping and also trying to limit my walk breaks to short distances. I really think I could have kept going - possibly to 5 miles. But, I figured I better stop while I was in a good place - no reason to try to hurt myself. My pace was slow, but I don't care. I made it 4 miles.

Training continues this week - have another 5K on Sunday then my races increase in mileage from there. 159 days to go!

Today's Stats:
4.1 miles
56:00 minutes
13:40 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:19:30

Goals for next run

The family is going roller skating tomorrow, so fingers crossed for no injuries. That'll be a fun way to change up my training. Probably won't get out for another run until Friday - will try to hit 4 miles again that day. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today's Inspiration

I've taken a couple days off from training for a few reasons. First, I'm on solo duty with the kids and time is a luxury. Second, during a training run last week I tweaked a muscle in the back of my thigh. Not bad, but it was tight and sore. I felt okay once I got to running in my race on Monday, but it was still pretty sore after the race and yesterday. I figured I should let my body recover a little bit, especially since I probably wouldn't have a chance to get to the Y at all. So, I've rested and I'm okay with that. Hopefully this weekend I can find a time to hit the road and get 4-5 miles in. I need to start increasing my mileage or I'll never meet my goals.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Second 5K = SUCCESS!!!

I had my second competitive 5K this morning and it was just what I needed. The weather was gorgeous and the race organizers said on several occasions that they believed PRs would be set today. In my case, they were absolutely right. I needed today's race - for my training and especially my confidence.

I had a pretty rough dream this morning - apparently my negative voice has traveled into my dreams. In my dream I quit halfway through a race and went home. My family was waiting for me laughing and telling me they knew I couldn't do it and should try to find a 2K now. I woke up from that dream when my alarm went off and did my best to not let it overtake my mind. I tried to think motivational and positive thoughts throughout the morning and did everything I could to not let any negativity enter into my brain.

From the race brochure

This was a great race. Only a small hill - flat and easy to run. The course was really simple and quiet pretty. I didn't think I started out fast, but boy did I. I stopped probably at the .5 mark to start walking a little. Before I even hit the 1 mile mark the runners were returning towards the finish line - I started to get discouraged but instead, decided to start clapping and cheering them on - it was a great mind swap. Not long after that I realized I was coming up on the 1 mile marker - I couldn't believe how quickly I had reached it. And, I should have been surprised - I ran almost an 11:26 mile. I thought I was going to cry I was so excited. I kept telling myself to keep pushing, keep pushing, you are going to PR. That was my goal - to PR.  By the time we made the turn and started heading back I knew the 2 mile marker was coming up - but I knew I had slowed down some as well. I pushed my runs as hard as I could and tried to keep my walks limited. Came up to mile marker 2 and was shocked to see it was around 24 minutes. I knew I could PR. 

I kept telling myself to keep your head up, keep running, you're almost done. I really wanted to finish strong and run as much of the last mile as I could. My 3 mile was not as good as I would have like it to be but I ran hard across that finish line. The clock said around 37:19 and I was blown away. I had PR'd - and not by a little but by a ton. Once I realized my official time would be even quicker than that you would have had to beat the smile off my face.  

When I got my print out, I started to get upset with myself. I finished so far behind everyone, especially in my age group. But, I had to remind myself that this is only my second 5K and I've only been doing this for a couple of months now. I have no right to be disappointed - I crushed my PR and ran a great race. And, at the end of the day, I didn't take last!

These little slips make me happy

Of the above slip, there's one change that I know of already. My finish position was out of 321 - not 295. Everything else has remained the same. 37:01:5 - are you kidding me???????  

Training continues as my next 5K is in 3 weeks, with a 4 miler two weeks later. 

Today's Stats:
3.1 miles
37:01:05 minutes
11:57 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 2:51

Goals for next run

Probably won't get out much this week but will try to get at least one training run. I have got to get my daily mileage up to 4 miles. The back of my quad hurts a lot too so I may let my body rest up a bit. We'll see.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Just when I think I can't do it...

This hasn't been easy. It has been fun sometimes. I'm beginning to feel weighed down by knowing how much money I have spent on this little adventure so far and how I just don't feel like I'm going to be able to do it. I knew this would be hard - and I had hoped I would've had more time to devote to training. But my life continues to get in the way and this dream continues to take a back seat. Regardless, I still find a way to get out the door at least once a week, sometimes twice or more. I'm not making the kind of progress I had hoped to by this point, but I guess I still have time.

Tonight I had some good times and some rough times - all in the matter of a 5K. As I started to get discouraged, I began to think about where I started less than 2 months ago. My first run was on July 7 - I went 1.78 miles in 27:09 minutes and averaged a 15 minute mile. Just 16 runs later, I ran just a tiny bit further than a 5K again tonight and took 2 minutes off that original pace. No, this isn't going to happen overnight, but it is going to happen. As disappointed as I was feeling earlier, looking at my stats right now I feel pretty good. It puts a smile on my face.

My biggest victory in all this is by far the fact that I'm still heading out the door. I'm not finding excuses or reasons to stay home. Even if I can only get a short run in, I'm lacing up and hitting the road. I'm having fun - I'm enjoying it. And I'm excited when I think about my run - leading up to, during and after. I'm drinking more water, trying to eat better - sleep is still an issue but I'll keep trying to get more. I need to make a concerted effort to cross train a little better. It's hard enough for me to get my training runs in 2-3 times a week that finding time to cross train is near impossible, but I know I need to do it. Going to look at the YMCA schedule again and see what I can figure out.

Have my first 5K race in over a month on Monday. Pretty excited to see how I do and if I can set a PR.

Tonight's Stats:
3.29 miles
43:19 minutes
13:09 pace
If the half was today: approx 3:10:00

Goals for next run:
Resting tomorrow before my 5K race on Monday. Timed and certified. Really want to PR, which will require a 12 minute pace.  Not sure if I can do it, but I am damn sure going to try.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Tonight was awful. I wasn't really in the mood to run. I don't feel real good and I'm tired. Yesterday, I really wanted to run but wasn't able to. Tonight, I didn't want to run and went outside. Go figure. My goal was 4 miles - I really, really, really need to get a four mile run in. I got out the door too late and quickly realized 4 miles wasn't going to happen. So I focused on achieving at least a 3.1 and do my best to just finish. 

My mental block took over. It was warm and quite possibly the most humid condition I've ran in so far. I struggled to breathe - it was rough. I've been running non-stop for a mile the past few runs - tonight I didn't even make a half a mile. That's when I couldn't fight my negative thoughts. I was hard on myself, I was upset, I was disappointed. From that point on it was a struggle just to run - to get myself convinced I could run more. 

In the end, my average pace sucked. But, I got in a 5K and then some. I need to keep working on my endurance and my ability - and my confidence. I have a race on Monday - I really want to PR.

Tonight's Stats:
3.23 miles
42:15 minutes
13:04 pace
If the half was today: approx 3:08:21

Goals for next run:
Hope to get out tomorrow, but I'll be walking a ton on Thursday regardless so that will be good. Need to push to 4 miles at some point and time but I just want to get myself mentally prepared for my race on Monday.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just have to keep moving

I didn't plan on running today - didn't figure I'd have the opportunity. But the kids woke up early and by 9 a.m. I was itching to lace up my shoes and head out the door. I got everyone ready and headed for the Y. I managed to get 3.12 miles in, but it was not easy or fun. Today was one of those runs where I kept increasing the speed of the treadmill just so I could get the run over quicker. I increased my pace by 10 seconds, which I'm excited about. I just need to get better. I'm getting discouraged, because I don't feel like I'm doing better. I know I am - I ran the first 1.25 miles today which is another milestone. But I struggled - mentally and physically. I know that's normal and is going to happen. But, it doesn't help my mental game any. Anyway, I got out the door, got a run in and overall, I feel great.

Tonight's Stats:
3.12 miles
37:12 minutes
If the half was today: approx 2:52.14

Goals for next run:
May not get out again until Monday or Tuesday. Going to push it to 4 miles regardless of where I run. I have a 5K race coming up on the 2nd so I need to get going.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I ran a mile!

I did it! I ran a mile for the first time since I started running. I felt good - I didn't want to stop. In fact, I may have ran a little more than a mile, but I know for a fact, I ran a mile. I went back to the Y tonight - Mark is home and I could have gone outside. But, there was an attack on a jogger down in Oklahoma this weekend that's garnered national attention. I'm concerned about copy cats, so I figured I'd give it a week or so to die down before heading back out to the pavement. Mark also bought me some pepper spray last night as well - hope I don't mace myself....

Before my run tonight, I tried a Clif Gel Shot for the first time. I have read about the different gels and blocks and how you need to try them long before an endurance race so you can figure out which you like and how they affect your body. Well tonight, I figured out how it would affect my body - I'm pretty positive that's the main reason I ran that first mile. I also used the towel to cover the digital display of the treadmill, preventing myself from analyzing the time and letting my mental state take over. I just ran...and ran...and ran. I probably didn't need to stop either - but I let the mental take over and decided I should let my legs take a break. Was also a little concerned about hurting myself after running so far for the first time.

I also finally got my 5K in under 38 minutes. I ran a 37:20 - I couldn't believe it. Tonight just felt good all the way around - and I can't wait to go back out and run again.

Tonight's Stats:

3.11 miles
37:20 minutes
If the half was today: approx 2:37

Goals for next run:

Not sure where I'm going to run next - whether at the Y or outside. Also not sure if it'll be tomorrow or Thursday. Regardless, I'd like to do another 5K under 38 and try to run the first mile again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Just keep running, just keep running

Made my way to the Y again tonight and I felt so good. I tried to maintain my 3:1 interval but it was hard to stop - I wanted to keep running a couple times. But, I stuck to my plan fully expecting to hit 3.1 miles. Well, the stupid treadmill stopped at 30 minutes and I didn't have a chance to look down and see what my mileage was at the time - so, so much for that. I have no idea how far I went. I kept going through the 5 minute cool down and managed to run for 4 of those minutes because I was so angry with the machine. At the end, the summary said I ran 4.5 miles - there's no way. I don't know what those machines do, but I'm not sure they are keeping track of my mileage properly. So, I guess when I go to the Y from now on, I'll just focus on running for an amount of time at a certain pace, versus distance - I'll use math to figure my mileage from there.

My running pace stayed around 12:07 and my walking pace was around 15:30. With the amount of walking and running I did during those 25 minutes, I figure I went about 2.8 miles again.

At the end of the day, I felt good. Really good. And that's all that matters.

The rest of the week is going to be really crazy for me, so I'm not sure what my training schedule will be like. If I'm able to run outside, I'll shoot for a 5K. If I run at the Y, we'll shoot for 40 minutes at a 12 minute run pace/15 minute walk pace.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The journey continues...

I am so frustrated right now. Life is not cooperating with my training plans and I'm only getting 1 run in each week for the past couple weeks. That is not going to cut it. I'm already having a hard time convincing myself this was the right thing to do - the negative little voice is taking over. I'm beginning to think I've bit off more than I can chew.

We joined the Y yesterday and tonight I was able to get a run in. My goal of a 5K was cut short because this computer nerd was apparently not capable of figuring out the treadmill. Oh well. I at least got a couple more miles in and that's most important.

I have also laid out my competition schedule for the rest of the year. I've identified at least 2 competitive races each month to run with the exception of August - since Mark is out of town most of this month there's really no opportunity for me to run in races until Sept. I'm excited about the slate of races I've set up - leading up to a 10K in October and a 15K just two weeks later in November. It's a tall order but I really hope these small goals help me reach my large goal in February. I will also have 2 opportunities to submit times for the half-marathon and hopefully get a closer corral. I decided tonight that my goal is to avg a 12 minute mile - that will give me 90 minutes of cushion time to get some pictures, walk a little longer if I need to and just take time to enjoy the race.

I booked our hotel yesterday. Little bit of a gut check at the cost, but it will be worth it to be at a Disney resort and utilize the hotel transportation on the morning of the race - for both myself and Mark. I had to remind myself that I picked up a third (yes third) job to cover this trip and that it really will be a second honeymoon for Mark and I - with freaking half-marathon crammed in the middle.

Tonight's run was on a treadmill.  The display didn't give me a lot of the details I hope to have but I have a good feeling about my guesstimates. I also worked on perfecting my 3/1 intervals...they were more like 3/1.5 and 3/2 after a while, but I'll get better.

Tonight's Stats:
2.84 miles
35:00 minutes
12:45 avg min/mil (this is a guesstimate. I tried to run at 12 and walk at about 16)
If the half was today: approx 2:48

Goals for next run:
I hope to get back to the Y tomorrow. If I do, I'm getting my 5K in no matter what. I really want to get it in at under 38 minutes.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Does this ever get easier???

I haven't blogged in a while because, well, I haven't ran in while. Tonight was my first run in over a week. I was just not able to find time to get out the door, even for quick run. And it was bugging me. I wanted to get out and run. 

Tonight, I put my running clothes on before Mark even came home from work. That way, I'd be psyched up and ready to go. I also decided to try a Clif Bar for the first time, eating it about 1.5 hours before I headed out the door. I think it helped - I never felt tired or worn out during my run. I did, however, hurt. I was too tight - way too tight. I stretched before I took off, but I have not stretched enough on my off days. I'm going to have to do something about that.

I tried a new trail tonight and really liked it. Sidewalks, gradual hills - I'll easily be able to run a 5K on this route. Unfortunately, it was a little desolate and that had me nervous. If I'm going to keep running this route, and I'd like to, I'm going to need to get some mace or something. I also decided to start trying intervals runs. Usually, I just run until I'm tired, walk until I feel better and then start all over again. Tonight, I started out at 4 min run/1 min walk intervals. Soon, I found myself around 3/1 and 3/2 - need to train myself to run those intervals. But, i liked it - a lot. I think I'm going to try to make that my new training regimen. The 3/1 and 4/1 felt really good and I had a great good pace for my first mile (which is probably also what killed me in the long run.)

Half way through my run tonight, a deer ran across the road from me. About 5 minutes later a jackass drove by and threw a half empty can of beer at me. Pretty eventful night overall.

Todays's Stats:
2.55 miles
33:32 minutes
13:09 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:09

Goals for next run
Going to try to get another 5K in tomorrow night. Really want to come in under 40 minutes. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

I hate sitting around...

Well, let me rephrase that. I love to sit around - I just want to get out and run too. Unfortunately, looks like this week will be a lot like last with a lack of training options being available. Another reason I am so happy I have more than 200 days to train for this. Mark's work schedule has just been so crazy, and my sister came to town last night, and then it was raining cats and dogs this morning.... I know, I know, excuses. Luckily, I  think Mark and I are going to join our local Y today or next week, which will give me the ability to train if Mark is out of town or running late. I will also help me add something new to my training regimen. I know if I simply run for the next 204 days, I'm going to get burnt out. They have some great classes that I'm excited to try and incorporate into my training.

Heading to the parents for a couple days again, so I'm packing my running gear and hoping for the opportunity to run either or both days. We'll see.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

And I'm feeling good.....

Tonight was my first opportunity to run since the race on Sunday. I've been tired and stressed and emotional and I wasn't sure what to expect. What I did know is that I need to be running at least 3 miles on every run now if I'm going to improve and reach my goals.

Surprisingly, tonight went well. Ran quite a bit and felt good. It was humid, holy hell was it humid. My time was slower than I wanted, and slower than Sunday, but I really do think the humidity played a role and slowed me down. I also struggled with my breathing about halfway through and that didn't help. Oh, and there was a pitbull on a leash just running circles and trying to get at me - I was praying that the leash would hold him and I couldn't quite figure out if I wanted to be slow and calculated as I moved past him or if I wanted to run like hell. I was slow and calculated...but moved my legs as fast as they would go.

I've set new goals, goals I believe are obtainable and also smart as I continue to train. I do still have more than 200 days until this half and I don't want to get burnt out waiting for it to come but I also don't want it to be the only goal I strive for. So, I'm signing up for a 10K in October and a 15K in November. I feel like those will be great accomplishments for me to strive for and also benchmarks to improve on. If I can do a 15K in November, the half-marathon won't feel near as daunting. I think this will also help me increase my mileage at a good pace. We'll see....

What surprises me most about all of this - I'm having fun. I really am. I think I'm becoming a runner.

Todays's Stats:
3.19 miles
41:09 minutes
12:55 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:03

Goals for next run
Going to try to get another 5K in tomorrow night. Really want to come in under 40 minutes. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

First 5K = Success

This morning, I participated in my first competitive 5K.

In my life, I have only ran in 2, maybe 3 5Ks. All were for fun with no time kept. So when I decided to begin training for the half-marathon I decided I would also compete in at least one 5K each month as a way to push myself, get used to running in races and also set benchmarks. Once I found out about the corrals for the half-marathon, I decided to try a 10K in either October or November - or both.

Anyway, this morning was my first timed 5K. I'm looking to run in races that are fun, so the pain and exhaustion is short lived. Today's race was the Volkswagen 5K Jersey Race at the MLS All-Star Game. I couldn't sleep last night and had a sour stomach. I can't believe I was actually nervous for this race, but I think I was. I managed to grab 4+ hours of sleep before hitting the road to Downtown Kansas City for the race. I got there pretty early, but it gave me a chance to stretch, warm up a bit and try to calm my nerves.

The start/finish line at the Power & Light District, downtown KC.

I think there were around 530 runners - the highest bib number I saw was 522. I don't think my other 5K's had less than 1,500 so this was going to be different. I had my goals: don't finish last, run more than I walked and have fun. I also gave myself 3 time goals: 35 minute pipe dream time, 38 minute "I'll take it!" time and a 42 minute maximum time. I also wanted to finish strong - run across the finish line without wanting to pass out or throw up.

I started mid-pack. Not sure if I started out too hard or was just not ready with the lack of training I've had this week, but I struggled pretty early in the race. Ran about .35 miles, which is below my norm. We had a decent hill right at the beginning so not sure how much of a factor that played. I was discouraged early - the self doubt creeped in pretty quick. I struggled breathing and found myself gasping for air. I knew this wasn't how I wanted to feel or how I wanted my race to go. So I forced myself to slow down, relax and catch my breath. I knew I still had just under 3 miles to go and I had to power through and get my groove back. I finally felt normal and started to run my race. It felt like forever before that first mile marker - and the second marker seemed even further to get to. But, I kept going. And holy smokes, there were a lot of hills. I decided to run down every hill and I managed to run up at least one - and I think half of another. We made a turn and I saw we were close to the finish line. My GPS told me about 1/2 a mile to go. I suddenly realized I was smiling a HUGE smile and started running. I was going to run that last half mile and I was going to cross that finish line strong. I felt so good that last job and crossed that finish line with a smile.

39:38 in my first competitive/timed 5K and you know, I'll take it!! 38 minutes was my realistic goal and I was only 90 seconds away from it. I had no way of knowing what time goals to set for myself - I was going off my pacing in my training runs so far. Even then, I had yet to go 3 miles so I had no idea what to expect. As I approached the finished line, I saw the clock was at 39 minutes - I picked up my pace just a little bit more so I could ensure my time would be under 40 minutes.

Again, I have no idea how many people total ran the race, nor do I know how many were in my division. Maybe I'll figure it out once they post results on time. Until then - I improved in pretty much every category so far. But, most importantly, I busted through the mental block that again tried telling me I couldn't do it and I finished the race. No excuses now - my training runs need to be 3 miles for a while now.

Todays's Stats:
3.1 miles
39:38.22 minutes
12:48 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:02

Goals for next run
Going to try to get a 5K in on Tuesday at be under 38 minutes. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nervous and excited

Tomorrow is my first competitive 5K ever. And, considering I've only done 3 5Ks in my life, that's saying a lot. Picked up my packet and my timing chip (yipes) today and I've already laid out my clothes for tomorrow. To say that it will be unseasonably cool in the morning is an understatement - 59 degrees at race the end of July. Just crazy.

I haven't drank enough water today, and I know it. I could be in trouble tomorrow. I need to increase my water intake soon!!  Going to flood by body the rest of the night so I make it through the race.

I'm really excited, and really nervous. Just want to turn in a good time, run more than I walk, and have fun. I don't want to take longer than 42 minutes - but my pipe dream goal is 35 minutes and I think it can do. Split the difference, and I'll be a happy girl!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Not how I wanted the week to go....

Thank goodness I've given myself 200+ days to train for this half marathon because it has been difficult the past couple weeks to get the days of practice in that I want. Last night was no exception. We had plenty of weather in the area and I wasn't sure if the nasty stuff would hold long enough for me to run. I had also expected Mark to be home a little earlier than he was, allowing me time to go finally go to a running store and get fitted for shoes. While the weather may have held out long enough, Mark definitely wasn't home soon enough for me to fit both in. So, I made the decision the go get my shoe situation figured out - while it took away a day of training, the hope of no longer running in pain was worth it.

Mike from Garry Gribbles was awesome. My feet are a mess - and the shoes I've been running in were definitely not right for my feet. Tried on several types, brands, etc. - even had to go to men's sizes. We found a couple that were pretty darn close. None were a perfect fit, but I got the impression that Mike was doing everything but coming right out and telling me perfect fit wasn't possible. I was willing to go ahead and spend the money on a pair even if they weren't quite perfect - mainly because they had to be better than what I've been running in. I jogged the sidewalk in front of the store before purchasing and they felt pretty good. Maybe a little tight on the left side but my hope is that is because they are brand new.

Mark left this morning for a quick road trip, back tomorrow night, which means I won't be able to train at all before the race on Sunday. Against my better judgement, I am going to break the new shoes in during the 5K. I just feel like that running that race in the shoes that don't fit right will be worse than breaking in new shoes. I guess we'll see. I'm excited for the race - disappointed that I won't be able to get a few miles in before the starting line.

My goal for Sunday's 5K - complete it in 35 minutes. I've been pacing about a 42 minute 5K, but that was with multiple stops due to the pain in my feet and legs. I'm hoping the new shoes will help me push through and meet my goal. I'll be ecstatic at 40 minutes, but am striving for 35.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Keep on runnin....

After not having a chance to lace up the running shoes since Saturday, I was actually really nervous about my run tonight. I didn't have a great day overall and ate dinner a little late. Normally, that nasty little voice would have taken over and I would have found a million excuses to just stay home and watch my Royals play. Instead, I couldn't wait to go for a run. I found myself thinking about the run several times throughout the day and just waiting to get changed and head out. I seriously cannot believe this. I actually enjoy running - I'm excited about it. I just might do this after all!

I'm not sure what happened, but either the GPS on my phone was off tonight, or it has been off every other night. It's been telling me for about a week now that I've been running my first half mile - but tonight I ran further than the normal half mile marker, and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face, until I checked the GPS and it said I ran less than half a mile. I was upset and fought really hard to not be discouraged. I had been so excited about that first half mile. So, instead of being mad, I tried to focus on the fact that I had ran the longest so far on my little journey and tried to increase my run distance. My splits were really bad tonight and I'm not sure why. But, I won't let it upset me. I'm just going to pat myself on the back for getting out the door and getting a good run in. I only have Thursday left this week to train, then on Sunday is my first 5K since I decided to run the half marathon. I plan on running a 5K each month until November, when I hope to run a 10K. I am using Sunday as a good benchmark to see how I do and how I've progressed.

I am also hoping tomorrow to go to a running store and get my feet measured and get this shoe thing figured out.

Todays's Stats:
2.72 miles
38:07 minutes
14:01 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:03

Goals for next run
I really need to get 3 miles in on Thursday so I'm ready for the 5K on Sunday. I really want to come in under 40 minutes during the race and I'm pretty sure I can do it. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Slowly getting there...

Took me a while to get up and get going this morning, but I was determined to make this another long run day. I have a 5K in one week and I want to set a good benchmark for the rest of my training. 

Today was good - little bit of pain, but I pushed through. I'm pretty sure the pain is coming from the lack of flexibility - I know I need to stretch more and am trying to work that into my daily routine. 

I stopped towards the beginning of my run to talk to my uncle, and then forgot to start my run timer again. So, I know I finally broke 3 miles even though my stats say I ran less. I'm really happy with how I did today and how I feel.  

Todays's Stats:
2.86 miles
39:33 minutes
13:49 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:00

Goals for next run
I'm supposed to have a slow run tomorrow but I won't be able. So, I'll enjoy a couple days off until Tuesday - but in the meantime will continue to stretch out and increase my flexibility.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Earlier than usual...

Spending a few days at my parents house so my running schedule, and route, is going to be a little off. I'm excited about the change of pace and scenery. I had hoped to run last night, but an ill-advised dinner choice (food choices are my next major hurdle to overcome) sat in my gut all night, so I chose to get up and run this morning. Got going a little later than I had planned but didn't let the negative voice win out and convince me to stay home.

I could tell this run would be different. My body was not fully warmed up and ready to go. Took me a while to get into a groove. I couldn't even run the first half-mile, which is something I've been able to do since my third run. It was at that time, I decided just to get my miles in, try to keep my average down and just make it back to the house. I didn't set any personal bests, but mentally, I crushed it. I could have given up at anytime and headed back, but I didn't. I kept going, kept pushing - if I wasn't ready to run, I just walked a little faster. Slowly, but surely, I'm getting there.

I also told my parents about this crazy decision yesterday - not sure what they think based on their reactions. I know my mom has always wanted to do the Royal Family 5K - maybe they will consider tagging along and running it. I think Mark and I are going to sign up for it as well - it will be a good warm up for me for the half the next day and I think Mark secretly wishes he had signed up for the half-marathon, so the 5K will be a good start.

Todays's Stats:
2.32 miles
30:57 minutes
13:20 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: 3:00

Goals for next run
I'm going to try to get up tomorrow morning and run again. If I can keep my stats about the same, try to run a little more than today, I'll be pleased. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What have I done????

Welp - I did it. It took me 40 minutes to actually push pay - but I did it. I This morning I registered for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon on Feb. 23. A small health issue had me worried that I wouldn't be able to sign up - and I was pretty upset about it. But yesterday morning, I learned that I had nothing to worry about and was free to keep the dream alive, with the goal of deciding on August 1 if I was going to do it. Slight problem - by last night, registration had jumped to 94%, up 40% in the 2 weeks I've been contemplating this experience. I knew I wasn't going to be able to wait until August 1 - I was going to have to make a decision soon.

I talked to Mark this morning and told him we needed to figure out today if we were going to sign up and do this thing. Around 10 a.m. I got a text message that said "We'll make it work. Enter the race." So I did. It took 30 minutes to fill out the form - mainly because I kept stopping and asking myself what I was doing and if I was sure I could do it. When it came time for me to hit pay - I left my mouse on the button for 10 minutes, trying to convince myself to pay. Once I did, I freaked out. I couldn't believe I did it and immediately started questioning myself. But, it's too late now. I've signed up - and I can't back out now.

I was excited to see on the form that you identify your favorite Disney Princess - after looking at pictures I can only guess that means I'll be sporting a bright yellow bib number during the race since my favorite Princess is Belle. That has me pretty excited.

I've spent a lot of time reading blog entries by people who ran the race last year - trying to get an idea of what to expect and how to prepare. Don't want to hype it up too much for myself - just want to know what to bring, what to wear, where to stay, etc. Reading these blogs is psyching me out a little and scaring me a lot, but I'm going to use it to fuel my runs and help me get ready.

I also signed up for a 5K on July 28 - I'm working to identify at least one competitive race a month to keep me motivated.

Tonight's run was rough. Warmer and more humid that I've ran in so far, I struggled a little bit. I also was hurting quite a bit. I don't think I'm stretching enough - in fact, I know I'm not. So that will be my next internet search - stretches for running, especially on my off days. Otherwise, I did pretty good tonight. Each time I wanted to quit, I made myself run just a little further. I set personal records in a couple categories, so that makes me feel good. The hills, while they are killing me know, are going to be such a blessing as I train - I know it's going to make me a better runner in the long run.

Tonight's Stats:
2.36 miles
31:39 minutes
13:26 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: 3:02

Goals for next run
I'll be out of town the next few days, so I'm hoping to squeeze in some runs. Since the routes will be different, I'd like to try to keep everything about the same as tonight. If I do better - bonus. If it's a little off, I won't let myself get upset.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day of rest????

My 5 year old son has been begging me to come along on a run, so I gave in tonight. I decided to keep it quick - run the same route I ran last Sunday - my first leg on this journey. I knew it would be close to a mile and hopefully wouldn't kill my son. I definitely don't want him running with me every time I go out, but I figure once in a while is fine - plus, I'd love for him to want to run, stay in shape and enjoy athletic activity. 

As I got going, I quickly realized I was going to regret him coming along. Not because I didn't want him to, but because I felt so good. I ran the first 1/2 mile, which I've been able to do for the past 3 runs now. But, I didn't want stop. Logan, however, did was ready to walk. I didn't want to lose him altogether so reluctantly, I walked. This went on for 3-4 more runs. I felt so good, I wanted to keep going. I ran a little further than I've ran each night - and crushed my run/walk ratio from my run last week. Instead of being discouraged that I didn't get to run more or upset that I really couldn't, I chose to smile and celebrate the victories that I discovered along the way. I'm making progress - I'm doing really good for only doing this for a week. And, I WANT to run. I look forward to it. I was thinking about it all day. I'm excited about the transfer in attitude - I am beginning to think I can do this. 

After tonight, I've decided I'm going to run this route each Sunday. I'm going to use it as a barometer - to see just how far I've come and just much I've progressed. It will be a confidence booster - oh, hell, who am I kidding. It will be my private ego booster. During my runs in between, I'll continue to increase my distance and length of actual running. 

I haven't signed up for the 1/2 marathon yet. Giving myself a couple more days to make up my mind. But, I'm getting closer to doing it. Mark believes I can and is encouraging me to do it. My sister wants me to as well, mainly because she wants to start training with me when she moves here soon and run the race in 2015. I'll make up my mind this week sometime. In the meantime, I'll just continue to grow to love running.

Tonight's stats:
No stats kept tonight. Kept it simple and easy. 

Goal for Tuesday is 2.5 miles, running the first .6 miles and working to slightly increase each run interval.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Small victories

Today was a rough one. Babysat my 2 nieces and my nephew - 5 kids under age 6, running around my house. I was exhausted, mentally drained - got dinner on the table late and figured there was no way I'd get a run in today. I have to be out the door no later than 8:10 p.m. in order to get my run in before it gets too dark and becomes dangerous. That negative little voice had appeared and told me to just climb on the couch, grab some ice cream and relax.

And then it happened, without even thinking I went up to my room, changed clothes, grabbed my running shoes and started stretching. I was out the door at 8:10 p.m. and ran one of my best runs so far. Still walked about as much as I ran, but did really good.

I hurt a lot tonight - a lot. I am beginning to think the shoes may not be right and that makes me sad. I was hoping to get by with the new running shoes I bought, but I don't think they're right for my feet. I also realized tonight just how many inclines my route has in it. There's a lot of uphill climbs - a lot. I could tell when I was going uphill, even slightly, because everything would start hurting again. My hope is to push my way through those hills and use them to my advantage while training - if I can crush those hills, then a fairly flat run will be a piece of cake.

I crossed the 2 mile boundary tonight - I'm so proud of myself for that. It still frightens me to think that I still have 11 miles to go in my final goal, but after 3 runs I'm already at a run/walk of 2 miles. I feel awesome.

Tonight's Progress:
2.28 miles
33:37 minutes
14:42 avg mile/minute
If the half marathon was today: 3:12

I'm going to try to go for a run tomorrow - my son wants to go to, so if we go it will be a short one with a lot more walking than running. I'm looking at it as a light day to keep me loose.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Today's Inspiration

“Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you're not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding more from yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb existence. You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” 
― Dean KarnazesUltramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2nd Run - Not too bad

Some internal drama kept me from running yesterday. I sat and sulked and felt sorry for myself. Mark tried to get me out yesterday when he got home from work, but I found excuses. This morning, more internal drama. Got up early and went straight to the couch to sulk more.

Tonight, however, that changed. Had dinner, relaxed a little and changed into my running clothes. I started to get caught up in Hell's Kitchen when Mark looked at me and told me I needed to get up and out the door. And I did. And it felt so good. I ran basically the same course as Sunday, adding in a few detours to increase the distance. I had hoped for 2.5 miles - made it almost 2 miles. And I'm okay with that. I alternated running and walking, but ran a little further each time to try to increase my stamina. I'm insanely proud of myself tonight and I feel really, really good.

Tonight's results:
1.92 miles
27:52 minutes
Avg min/mile: 14:57
If I ran the half tonight, total time would have been: 3 hours and 17 minutes. 

My goal for Saturday: 2.2 miles in under 30 minutes, walking and running but trying to run a little more than tonight.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hit a wall earlier than I wanted

It was bound to happen - I just thought I was strong enough for it to not happen in my first week. A bout of insomnia had me up at 4:30 a.m. - and that was when my morning started. I was exhausted, I was angry, I was a little stressed out. I know I should have gone for my run when the alarm went off at 6 a.m. as I had planned, but I talked myself out of it. I was too tired and the couch was comfy - I wasn't getting up. At 6:15 a.m. the guilt almost won over - I was oh so close to getting up and putting on my running shoes. But I let the negative voice win out again and I stayed on the couch and snuggled a little further under the blanket.

I'm disappointed in myself. How will I reach my goals if I talk myself out of it? But, I cannot let my disappointment take over. I cannot let the negative voice win.

Worse yet, the registration for the Princess Half Marathon increased by 20% in a week - and is dangerously close to selling out. Am I ready to commit - I don't know. Today's stumble sure isn't helping my confidence any. So, I did the next logical thing besides just paying the fee. I sat down and told my husband about my dream. It's not that I wanted to keep it a secret from him - it's not like he would have told me no or discouraged me from doing it. Far from it - he's my biggest cheerleader in everything I do. I just didn't want to disappoint more than just myself if I don't do it - if I chicken out. But, as I thought about it - I need someone to push me, to hold me accountable, to make me get out of bed before the sun comes up so I can get my run in. Plus, he has a major vote in this decision. Can we afford the trip overall, let alone the registration fee? Should I aim lower in my goals and plan for the Princess Half in 2015? Honestly, I do not know yet.

I've made the decision that financially, if the half fills up before I have the chance to sign up, I'm okay with it. When it comes to the money side of things, I can't be rash. However, the Kansas City Half Marathon is in October and I've decided to run that one instead, should the Disney Half fill up in the next few days as I suspect it will.

So, while the training schedule I'm *trying* to follow is set for me to run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays I am breaking that this week. I'm getting up tomorrow and putting on my new running shoes and heading out when the alarm goes off. Bonus - now I have someone who will push me out of bed if I refuse to get out.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quote for the day

“My philosophy on running is, I don’t dwell on it, I do it.”Joan Benoit Samuelson

Sunday, July 7, 2013

What the hell am I thinking?

I'm not a runner. I have never liked to run. I did track and field my 8th grade year and used to struggle breathing during a 200m race. I played golf in high school - a sport that allows the use of a motorized vehicle after your competition days are over. One that you can enjoy with a beer in your hand.

What I'm saying is that I'm lazy. Always have been. I'm happiest in front of the TV or a laptop screen, feet up, lounge clothing on and bag of chips in my lap. I've never really been a runner. I've done a couple 5Ks here and there, and always wanted to be a runner, but something in the back of my head has always told me I couldn't do it.

So, with that said, what the hell am I thinking? What caused me to wake up last Wednesday and say - I want to run a half-marathon. What has caused me to become basically obsessed with the idea of running this race? Made me go out and buy a pair of running shoes (on clearance because come on, I'm not crazy). To download an app on my phone that would track my run progress.

This is my goal - to run the Disney Princess Half-Marathon on Feb 23. I haven't told anyone besides my sister of this moment of insanity I'm apparently suffering. I haven't signed up for the race yet. I'm giving myself until August 1 to make the decision and pay the entry fee - leaving me virtually no choice but to run the race. So between now and August 1 I need to become a runner.

I'm a pessimist at heart. I tend to see the bad, the negative, believe that the good won't happen or isn't possible. Every time I think I'm going to accomplish something, that little negative voice in my head tells me I'll never do it - it'll never happen for me. This journey is more than finishing my first half-marathon. It's about pushing myself past that negative voice and realizing that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Who knows what that will lead to. I may be 33 years old, but I have a lot of future ahead of me and I need to believe that I can do anything to make it the best future for my children, my husband and myself.

So - my journey began tonight. After finding every excuse in the book to not go out and run since my little epiphany, I went for my first run tonight. I had hoped to do 2 miles tonight, but it became clear very quickly that it wasn't going to go as well as I had imagined. So - I had 2 choices. Listen to the negative voice that was telling me "You've only gone half a mile - look at you. You'd have to do 12.5 more of these - you'll never make it." Or, I could listen to a new voice that said "Why push it past your comfort level right now? You just started - what did you expect? It's a process - it's called training." The new voice surprised me and in the end, won out. The last thing I wanted to do was hate running on my first time out and give myself another excuse to quit. So, I allowed myself to walk more than I ran, without feeling guilty. I chose a route that had beauty versus challenge, and I had fun.

This blog is going to be my wait of being accountable. I don't expect anyone to read it - and if someone does, even better. Also - if you do take time to read my drivel, feel free to leave inspiring quotes, articles, suggestions, tips, etc., in the comments. Again, I'm not a runner - so I'm open to anything and everything people want to share.

My posts won't always be this long - at least I don't expect them to be. Just a way for me to track my journey and put down my thoughts and experiences.

So tonight's results:
1.78 miles
27:09 minutes
Avg min/mile: 15:15
If I ran the half tonight, total time would have been: 3 hours and 27 minutes. (Princess Half has a max time of 3:30 - I already feel like I could run this race after tonight. But, here comes the negative voice, that is before I'm extremely tired and have run several miles. In any case, it's a reassuring time to see.)

My goal for Tuesday: 2 miles in under 30 minutes, walking and running but trying to run a little more than tonight.
