Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yes, that was 1.5 miles I ran today....

I haven't been very good about my training the past couple weeks. I've struggled with life getting in the way and my runs have been pushed to the side. Luckily, tonight I was able to get back out and get in a run - and let me tell you, it was a good one.

I knew I needed to get in a 4 mile run no matter what I did tonight. So, I hit the Y and decided I wasn't getting off that treadmill until I hit 4 miles. I hate running on the treadmill. My pace is slower than normal, I start hurting earlier than normal - I just all around hate it. But I know that sometimes it's the only option I have for getting my training in.

Tonight, I felt good. I was a little tired and was trying to talk myself out of going while I was driving to the Y, but once I got there I started pumping myself up and had myself convinced that I was going to run the first mile. Not only did I run the first mile, I managed to run the first 1.5 miles - I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. I thought about running a little more, but decided to stop for a water and stretch break. Was probably a bad idea as my momentum was gone. I ran/walked the remainder of the time, trying to run as much as I could before stopping and also trying to limit my walk breaks to short distances. I really think I could have kept going - possibly to 5 miles. But, I figured I better stop while I was in a good place - no reason to try to hurt myself. My pace was slow, but I don't care. I made it 4 miles.

Training continues this week - have another 5K on Sunday then my races increase in mileage from there. 159 days to go!

Today's Stats:
4.1 miles
56:00 minutes
13:40 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:19:30

Goals for next run

The family is going roller skating tomorrow, so fingers crossed for no injuries. That'll be a fun way to change up my training. Probably won't get out for another run until Friday - will try to hit 4 miles again that day. 

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