Sunday, July 28, 2013

First 5K = Success

This morning, I participated in my first competitive 5K.

In my life, I have only ran in 2, maybe 3 5Ks. All were for fun with no time kept. So when I decided to begin training for the half-marathon I decided I would also compete in at least one 5K each month as a way to push myself, get used to running in races and also set benchmarks. Once I found out about the corrals for the half-marathon, I decided to try a 10K in either October or November - or both.

Anyway, this morning was my first timed 5K. I'm looking to run in races that are fun, so the pain and exhaustion is short lived. Today's race was the Volkswagen 5K Jersey Race at the MLS All-Star Game. I couldn't sleep last night and had a sour stomach. I can't believe I was actually nervous for this race, but I think I was. I managed to grab 4+ hours of sleep before hitting the road to Downtown Kansas City for the race. I got there pretty early, but it gave me a chance to stretch, warm up a bit and try to calm my nerves.

The start/finish line at the Power & Light District, downtown KC.

I think there were around 530 runners - the highest bib number I saw was 522. I don't think my other 5K's had less than 1,500 so this was going to be different. I had my goals: don't finish last, run more than I walked and have fun. I also gave myself 3 time goals: 35 minute pipe dream time, 38 minute "I'll take it!" time and a 42 minute maximum time. I also wanted to finish strong - run across the finish line without wanting to pass out or throw up.

I started mid-pack. Not sure if I started out too hard or was just not ready with the lack of training I've had this week, but I struggled pretty early in the race. Ran about .35 miles, which is below my norm. We had a decent hill right at the beginning so not sure how much of a factor that played. I was discouraged early - the self doubt creeped in pretty quick. I struggled breathing and found myself gasping for air. I knew this wasn't how I wanted to feel or how I wanted my race to go. So I forced myself to slow down, relax and catch my breath. I knew I still had just under 3 miles to go and I had to power through and get my groove back. I finally felt normal and started to run my race. It felt like forever before that first mile marker - and the second marker seemed even further to get to. But, I kept going. And holy smokes, there were a lot of hills. I decided to run down every hill and I managed to run up at least one - and I think half of another. We made a turn and I saw we were close to the finish line. My GPS told me about 1/2 a mile to go. I suddenly realized I was smiling a HUGE smile and started running. I was going to run that last half mile and I was going to cross that finish line strong. I felt so good that last job and crossed that finish line with a smile.

39:38 in my first competitive/timed 5K and you know, I'll take it!! 38 minutes was my realistic goal and I was only 90 seconds away from it. I had no way of knowing what time goals to set for myself - I was going off my pacing in my training runs so far. Even then, I had yet to go 3 miles so I had no idea what to expect. As I approached the finished line, I saw the clock was at 39 minutes - I picked up my pace just a little bit more so I could ensure my time would be under 40 minutes.

Again, I have no idea how many people total ran the race, nor do I know how many were in my division. Maybe I'll figure it out once they post results on time. Until then - I improved in pretty much every category so far. But, most importantly, I busted through the mental block that again tried telling me I couldn't do it and I finished the race. No excuses now - my training runs need to be 3 miles for a while now.

Todays's Stats:
3.1 miles
39:38.22 minutes
12:48 avg min/mil
If the half-marathon was today: appox. 3:02

Goals for next run
Going to try to get a 5K in on Tuesday at be under 38 minutes. 

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